ruthy's cooking adventures

Long-timer eater, first time cooking blogger :)

Steamed Grouper Fish ~ Ikan Kerapu masak Tim June 21, 2010

 Since Dad had his blood preassure measured, we have had to come up with recipes that were more healthy at home. Turns out he has to keep a close eye on what he eats.  Thank God for the early allert! God is Good!

Sejak si Papa diukur tekanan darahnya, kita di rumah harus mencari-cari resep-resep makanan yang lebih sehat untuk disajikan di rumah. Soalnya ternyata papa harus mulai merhatiin baik-baik apa yang dia makan. Puji Tuhan, semuanya bisa ‘dideteksi’ dini. Tuhan memang luar biasa dan selalu menjaga!

Anyways, Dad came home yesterday with a bunch of stuff he had brought from the Ampera Traditional Market at Jayapura kota. What’s most interesting is that he bought Grouper Fish, which I had never seen sold around here before. He said, that he got a very cheap price for them, Rp10.000 each, whereas in Jakarta, it cost a whole lot more..

Kemaren papa pulang bawa belanjaan banyak banget dari Pasar Ampera di Jayapura Kota. Anehnya, dia pulang dengan membawa Ikan Kerapu, jenis ikan yang belum pernah aku liat dijual sebelumnya di sekitar sini. Kata papa, dia beli murah banget, hanya Rp10.000 per ekor, sedangkan di Jakartanya katanya harganya jauh lebih mahal…

He asked for them to be cooked steamed, with garlic and ginger, and sesame oil. I though this was a great idea! A couple of weeks back, I had the same dish when having dinner with ninu at a Hongkong Restaurant in Bali. It was delicious! (at totally healthy if I might add), So even though I’ve never steamed a fish before, I kindda had a feeling as to what the ingredients were.

Papa minta tolong ikan tersebut dimasak tim, dengan menggunakan bawang putih, jahe dan minyak wijen. Aku setuju banget! Beberapa minggu yang lalu, aku pernah makan sajian yang sama, waktu makan di Restoran Hongkong di Bali sama Ninu. Rasanya luar biasa enak! (dan sangat sehat juga). Jadi, walaupun aku belum pernah masak tim ikan sebelumnya, aku udah bisa memperkirakan bahan-bahannya.

Of course, just to be sure, I asked Benny to google it 🙂

Tapi tentunya, supaya pasti, aku minta si Benny untuk carikan resepnya di Google 🙂

Just before it was steamed * Sebelum di-tim

Turns out it was quite easy! All the ingredients, I had at home. Plus, I got to use the steamer and some alumininum foil, so it was kindda ‘fancy cooking’, since we don’t regularly use those two tools at home for everyday cooking 🙂

Ternyata mudah banget! Semua bahannya ada di rumah. Dan, aku bisa pake alat kukusan dan aluminium foil, jadi masaknya hampir berkesan “mewah”, soalnya kedua perlengkapan ini jarang dipakai untuk masak sehari-hari 🙂

Well, the first 3 fishes turned out GREAT, totally delish! But I though it was a little too salty for dad. So I cooked him another 2 more fish, remembering to put in just a little bit of Soy Sauce 🙂

Hasilnya, 3 ikan pertama rasanya ENAK banget! Tapi menurutku agak terlalu asin untuk si Papa. Jadi aku masakin 2 ekor lagi, dengan mengingat menaruh hanya sedikit kecap asin 🙂

The finished product * Selamat menikmati

Dad LOVED it! So did the rest of the family! Think this will be a new favorite dish.. Am going to try to use the same recipe and tecnique with another kind of fish ♥

Papa SUKA banget! Begitu juga dengan seluruh keluarga! Kayaknya ini bakal jadi masakan favorit baru.. Aku mau nyoba lain kali resep yang sama tapi pake ikan yang beda ♥


Steamed Grouper Fish Recipe

1 Grouper Fish

3 Garlic Cloves – mashed

1 cm Ginger – mashed

2 Tbs Sesame Oil

1 Tbs Soy Sauce

Spring Onions – sliced long and thin

Red Cayenne Peppers – sliced long and thin (optional)

Lime Juice


  • Slice the fish in two, making sure it doesn’t cut all the way
  • Smear fish with lime juice, leave for 5 minutes
  • Place fish on Aluminuim Foil on a bowl/rather deep plate, so that the liquid ingredients do not spill
  • Smear fish with garlic, ginger, add spring onions and red cayenne peppers on top
  • Add Sesame Oil, Soy Sauce and a little bit of warm water, season with Pepper
  • Wrap seasoned fish with the remaining aluminium foil, making sure it has room (not tight). Make small holes in the top of the wrap, so that the fish can “breath” but the liquid ingredients don’t spill
  • Steam for 15-20 minutes

Resep Ikan Kerapu Masak Tim

1 Ekor Ikan Kerapu

3 Siung Bawang Putih – giling hingga halus 

1 cm Jahe – giling hingga halus

2 Sdm Minyak Wijen

1 Sdm Kecap Asin

Daun Bawang secukupnya – iris tipis memanjang

Cabe Merah Besar/Keriting secukupnya – iris tipis memanjang

Jeruk Nipis


  • Belah ikan menjadi dua, tapi tidak putus
  • Lumuri ikan dengan Jeruk Nipis, diamkan kira-kira 5 menit
  • Masukkan ikan kedalam Kertas Aluminium Foil, yang dialasi mangkok/ piring yang agak dalam (supaya bahan yang cair tidak tumpah)
  • Lumuri ikan dengan Bawang Putih, Jahe, taburi irisan Daun Bawang dan Cabe Merah
  • Siram ikan dengan Minyak Wijen, Kecap Asin, dan air hangat secukupnya, taburi merica
  • Bungkus ikan dengan aluminium foil, pastikan cukup berongga dan berilah lubang pada bagian atas bungkusan agar ikan bisa “bernafas” tapi bahan cairnya tidak “bocor”
  • Kukus selama kurang lebih 15-20 menit

Happy Cooking ~ ruthy ♥






9 Responses to “Steamed Grouper Fish ~ Ikan Kerapu masak Tim”

  1. one day i want to taste the delicious food 🙂
    keep posting..

    • ruthsumule Says:

      hey thanks for the comment.. i will 🙂 You should try and make one of these recipies.. hey, if i can do it, anyone can! 🙂 happy cooking, ruthy♥

      • I actually can’t cook! But I’ve been contacted by my adviser and she asked me to bring some recipes and teach her how to cook Indonesian food. So, I have to make cooking as my new hobby, happy cooking too 🙂

      • ruthsumule Says:

        Yes, I’m sure the people we are going to meet at the States are eager for a taste of our culture 🙂 Just stick to the easy stuff, hon! I’m sure you’ll do great! 🙂

  2. melinda Says:

    Hi uthe.. what a great recipie.. and it looks delicious also.. wish that I could find that kind of fish here.. miss Manado badly.. 😦

    • ruthsumule Says:

      heeey Mel! Thanks for visiting my blog..
      hehe.. makasih.. I know! tapi I’m sure disana pasti ada range makanan yang malah ga ada di Indo.. try them out! Pasti seru!! 🙂
      Do you have Manado friends there? Get together with them and do a “Manado Dinner Party”.. pasti seru deh! And there is always Kak Anna dan Ira.. masakan Manado dan Papua ga jauh bedaaa.. 😀
      miss u!, ruthy ♥

  3. dissolve some rock sugar in the soy sauce, another secret of authentic chinese HK-Style steamed fish
    btw, u can use a low sodium soy sauce instead of premium soy sauce…

  4. susi putreni Says:

    thanks resepnya ruth, cocok banget deh…

  5. Monica Says:

    keliahatannya enak banget nieh, jadi pengen coba

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